

The Noble Desert Dog from West Africa

Azawakh is a unique and fascinating dog breed, known for its slender body, speed and proud posture. These dogs exude an air of aristocratic elegance and possess a deep loyalty to their owners.

Origin and History

The Azawakh has its roots in the Sahel region of West Africa, where it has served as a hunting dog, guard dog and companion of the Tuareg nomads for thousands of years. The breed has evolved to survive in extremely hot, desert-like conditions, resulting in its slender body shape and incredible endurance.


Azawakh is a tall and slender dog breed. The height at the withers varies between 61-74 cm for males and 58-70 cm for bitches. Despite their height, Azawakh weigh between 15-25 kg, which emphasizes their athletic and slender build.

Appearance and Coat

The Azawakh is characterized by its deep chestnut eyes, long, narrow head, and slender, muscular body. Its coat is short and thin, which is adapted to withstand the hot climate of its region of origin. Color variations are numerous, ranging from single solid colors to brindle and spotted patterns.

How much fur does an Azawakh shed?

Thanks to its short, thin coat, the Azawakh sheds very little. This makes them an excellent choice for people with allergies or for those who do not want to deal with a lot of dog hair in the home.

How much exercise does an Azawakh require?

Despite its slim and athletic build, Azawakh does not need as much exercise as one might think. However, they are still active dogs and enjoy daily walks and the chance to stretch their legs in a safe, fenced area.

Is Azawakh family friendly?

Azawakhs are loyal and devoted to their owners and can be very loving within the family. However, they can be reserved and cautious around strangers. However, with proper socialization and training, they can become well-adjusted and happy family dogs.

Procurement of an Azawakh

Before getting an Azawakh, you should be aware that these dogs have specific needs related to their unique origins and adaptation. They need sufficient exercise, but must also be protected from too much cold due to their thin fur. Socialization is also important, as they can be naturally cautious. If these needs can be met, an Azawakh can become a faithful and beloved companion.